Episode 6: The Price Of Freedom?
There is a tree that eternally puts forth fruit whatever the season.
Have you tasted its fruit?
If you have, you will be willing to give everything.
If you do give everything, you will then find yourself sitting there with the wish fulfilling jewel in your hands.
The Chintamani.
An unimaginable abundance, beauty and security.
You will understand for yourself the exquisite verse of the Dhammapada that reads;
‘contentment is the greatest wealth’.
But what is contentment?
It’s not a pair of slippers, a nice fire and a cup of cocoa, as wonderful as that sounds right now actually in freezing grey Berlin...
No, the contentment the Buddha is speaking of has to be tasted to be understood.
And it isn’t cheap.
Anyone who has stepped out on this journey will say the same.
The question is how much does it cost?
You will only know that, when you have given enough.
So how much is enough?
If you give everything, then, that is enough.
But then again, giving everything is not as crude, simple or straightforward as it sounds either...
Well, we attempt to explore all this in this weeks podcast...yikes!!
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